Traditional Fried Momos or Dumplings

3 min readApr 8, 2022

Hey there, so today I’m up with something we all love and there’s not a single person I know who hates this!! It’s momos yes but the fried version!!

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Guys, I wanted to try something more oriental so don’t judge me!! With everything on my head I mean the laziness… I decided to make these when my sisters wanted me to make these for them.

Momos are great for literally any occasion whether a child or an adult or even a person who is health-conscious cannot and just cannot resist momos!! Whether it’s just plain steamed or fried or tandoori momos or even momos wrapped in delicious hot gravy! One cannot keep their hands to oneself. So why not try making like momos at home…

This idea came up to me when I saw two-three related posts on my Instagram and I couldn’t control myself!! Momos are usually steamed, made of maida(all-purpose flour) and some stuffing inside which is the main part of the food! You can be sure and add vegetables and meat of your choice… I usually prefer adding cabbage, fried onions, capsicum, and chicken(shredded) to my filling…. with the required spices!

The filling which I make for momos is similar to the filling I use in many other recipes and I’m sure everybody will love this… It hardly takes an hour to make all of it with 12–15 servings.. and trust me the result is awesome and deliciously ❤️

So let’s hop on to the recipe..shall we?

What do we need:

For the dough:

  • Whole wheat flour (1/2 Cup)
  • All-Purpose flour. (1/2 Cup)
  • Baking soda (1/4 teaspoon)
  • Oil (1 teaspoon)
  • Water

For the filling:

  • Water (2 tablespoons)
  • Cabbage (1 Cup)
  • Fried or caramelized onions (1/2 Cup)
  • Capsicum (1 Cup)
  • Shredded chicken (1 Cup)
  • Tomato sauce (2–3 tablespoons)
  • Mayonnaise (2 tablespoons)
  • Red Chili powder (1 teaspoon)
  • Garam masala (1 teaspoon)
  • Salt. ( As per your requirement)
  • Soy sauce. (1 teaspoon)
  • Ginger garlic paste (1 teaspoon)


  1. The first step is to make the dough so we can let it rest for some minutes while we cook the filling.
  2. So add all the dry ingredients required for the dough and knead it well so the gluten in the dough develops and we get a soft dough! Cover it with oil and place a moist cloth over it and let it rest in the corner of your kitchen platform!
  3. While this has been done, the second step remains to achieve that perfect filling and we’ll get it coz I’ve got the perfect recipe for me my family loved this filling!!… Heat a pan, add oil and ginger garlic paste then to it add red chili powder and garam masala, stir it for a while then to it add soy sauce, tomato sauce/ketchup, and mayonnaise and water. It’ll start boiling immediately and then add all of your vegetables together and chicken too!… close the lid of the pan and let it simmer for 6–7 minutes. After that remove the pan from the heat and let it cool down on a plate… Do not I repeat do not add the hot filling to your dough or pockets… The result isn’t appealing at all!.. so let it cool down for a while.
  4. The next thing is assembling… Take a small ball sized dough, roll it with a rolling pin, and make sure to keep it thick in the center and thin along the sides.. add the filling one or two teaspoons and seal the tops… The fun part is dude…you can show your creativity here all you want by shaping the doughs according to what you like!!
  5. The last step is to heat a vessel with a sufficient amount of oil in it which you’ll need to fry these pockets.
  6. Now once the oil is ready, put in the momos one by one in the oil, and once they turn golden brown remove them from the oil and keep it on tissue paper so it soaks the excess of oil. Now you can enjoy them with ketchup or Schezwan chutney will be a perfect combination with it!…


DID YOU MAKE THIS RECIPE? Tag @savouryflavoury




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